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Why Yancha

An Award winning, Research Driven, Innovative, Ed-Tech,
Next Gen Life Skills Learning Solutions Kids: 4-12 years | Teens & Young Adults: 13 - 21 years and beyond

Adding smiles to families | Bringing happiness to homes | Transforming Lives

Yancha Initiation Program Yancha Initiation Program
Yancha Teens Awareness Program Yancha Teens Awareness Program
Yancha Teens Transformation Program Yancha Teens Transformation Program
Yancha Merchandise Yancha Merchandise
The Yancha Game The Yancha Game
>Yancha Kids Transformation Program Yancha Kids Transformation Program
Yancha Kids Awareness Program Yancha Kids Awareness Program


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Kids awarness program
Kids transformation program
teens awarness program
Yancha Games Behavior

Parenting has grown more complex than ever

  •   Parents worldwide face the same challenges of :
  • children’s bright future ensuring our children’s bright future with proper parenting inputs.
  • Getting structured guidance Getting structured guidance at the right time onthe crucial aspect of parenting to nurture their child to succeed in a holistic way.

Acknowledging this service gap, Yancha through its unique ed tech platform is helping parents to shift of focus from only Provide & Protect to Develop in a way that allows children to reach their maximum potential.

A focused approach, using the blend of knowledge, skills, attitude, values, right from the early years are clearly your best opportunity to give your young ones a head start towards their behavioral developmental milestones.

  • Yancha Kids – Child Learns
  • Yancha Teens – Child Learns
Time-tested concepts and expert guidance to apply them in your specific situation
Learning Styles

Learning Styles

Multiple intelligence

Multiple intelligence

Accept Differences

Accept Differences

Hobbies & Interests

Hobbies & Interests

Create Own Path

Create Own Path





Capabilities that need to be practiced & demonstrated to help your child achieve success
Overcoming Challenges

Overcoming Challenges

Communicate Openly

Communicate Openly

Develop Focus

Develop Focus



Confidence in Self

Confidence in Self

Make Choices

Make Choices

Preparing to Achieve Full Potential

Preparing to Achieve Full Potential

Hard Work

Hard Work

Positive Attitude

Positive Attitude

Develop Self

Develop Self

Beliefs and Biases

Beliefs and Biases



Induce Positivity

Induce Positivity

Understand self

Understand self



Time-tested concepts and expert guidance to apply them in your specific situation
Pygmalion Effect

Pygmalion Effect

 Learning Style

 Multiple Intelligence

Learning Style Multiple Intelligence



Behaviour analysis

Mental model

Behaviour analysis Mental model


Others and self

Conditioning Others and self

ABC Model

ABC Model

Health based choices

Health based choices

Capabilities that need to be practiced & demonstrated to help your child achieve success




Decision Making

Decision Making

Goals – realistic and aspirational

Goals – realistic and aspirational

Multiple Perspectives

Multiple Perspectives

Emotional control

Emotional control

Handling distractions

Handling distractions

Appreciate differences

Appreciate differences

Develop your confidence

Develop your confidence

>Do your best

Do your best

Do not compare

Do not compare

Moral courage

Moral courage

Understand self

Understand self

Develop self

Develop self

Be Happy and Healthy

Be Happy and Healthy

Appreciate others

Appreciate others

Overcome fears and obstacles

Overcome fears and obstacles







Real value of money

Real value of money

But, finding the right guidance to nurture and engage
ever evolving children of Today is
A Big Challenge for Parents!

Too Many Activity and Skill

Too Many Activity and Skill Based Programs

There are so many activity and skill based programs available today that the parents are spoilt for choices. However, the underlying focus should be on identifying the right styles and areas of interest, without knowing and understanding if they are introduced, they only learn the skills but are not nurtured to handle the different requirements to succeed and thrive that are beyond these skills and are required at every step of the journey

Engage Meaningfully

How to Engage Meaningfully with Low Attention Span Kids

New generation kids are of high energy and their mind is constantly looking for newer aspects and they get easily bored and distracted. How to meaningfully engage with them for long term success and not just catering to the immediate requirement that gives instant gratification. How do you find something new every day?

Dread of Digital Media

Dread of Digital Media

The convenient alternative for parents therefore is to resort to digital media for engaging them and yet the parents are either guilty or never sure about the usage and screen time and it introduces a negative spiral and it becomes a status quo, or an incentive mechanism making it difficult for proper developmental path to proceed. But we are never sure how much good or bad we are doing.

Yancha can help you

With our range of behavior development learning and engagement activities, you will never run out of ways to help them inculcate the essential behaviours while ensuring they are learning and growing towards achieving their potential

How does Yancha
Generate Interest, Captivate & Enlighten?

A unique model where parents are meaningfully involved in shaping the child's holistic growth & progress

Yancha Themes

Yancha Themes

Explore a new Scenario in detail With each session learning that ignites curiosity in your child.

Graded Learning

Graded Learning

Explore age- appropriate learning that inspire your child's development, making them independent problem solvers.



Encourage imagination & Creativity through a personalized system using the different concepts, frameworks, learning styles (Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic etc) where every child is induced to Try, Fail, Retry & Succeed.



Skills & Learning introduced in a fun-loving way, built & reinforced over time and and continues from infancy to young adults.

Schedule a Free Session With Us

The times we are in calls for a significant upgrade of thoughts to help our younger ones get a head start towards becoming the Future Innovators, Leaders, Entrepreneurs, Curiosity Mongers and what not to thrive and succeed in a volatile and complex world.

The Future of Jobs Report by World Economic Forum * also indicates that other than technology use and development, the future skills to succeed and become accomplished are :

Manging Self , Problem Solving, Analytical Thinking, Creativity, Resilience, Flexibility and so on.

We, at Yancha, through our various continual learning platform, help children to nurture not only these skills but the essential behaviours and mindset to become accomplished and successful and at the same time achieve their true potential.


top 10 work skills of tomorrow

Start your Yancha journey NOW!

Kids Foundation Program

tart your Yancha journey NOW

Initiation Program

Underlying Concepts of Positive Parenting

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Rs.499 Rs.199
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Kids Awareness Program

Kids Awareness Program

Identifying Behavioral Strengths and Roadblocks

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Rs.1299 Rs. 999

Kids Transformation Program


Initiate Journey into self - 1 step at a time

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Rs. 2000 Rs.1500/Course
most popular


Generate Options and make informed choices

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Rs. 21000 Rs.15000/6 months


Develop Behavioral Strengths to achieve full potential

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Rs. 36000 Rs.25000/year
yancha One on One

One on One Session

Want to have your own private chat. Book your time slot and discuss with certified Yancha Guides on the way to raise your child to reach full potential.

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Rs. 2500 Rs.1500

Yancha Games - 8th Wonder

8 th Wonder – The Yancha® Game
Rs.1499 Rs.999

Play, engage and develop Behavioral Skills

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Buy Now
Buy Now

Teens Foundation Program

Teens Foundation Program
Initiation Program

Initiation Program

Underlying Concepts of Positive Parenting

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Rs.499 Rs.199
Teens Awareness Program

Teens Awareness Program

Develop insights into Teenagers and their Behaviours

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Rs.799 Rs. 499

Teens Transformation Program

Teens Transformation Program


Transform to achieve Full Potential. Know strengths and what you need to overcome. Plan includes Career Choice report.

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Rs. 32,500 Rs.25000


Know your Behavioral strength.

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Rs. 18,000 Rs.16,000


Initiate your journey to transform self.

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1500 / Session
yancha career


Career Choice Report. Generate Career Choices based on behavioral preferences.

Rs. 6,000 Rs.4000

GST applicable

A Sneak Peek into Yancha offerings

Interconnected thoughts

Interconnected thoughts

Interconnected thoughts

While the themes of behavioural scenarios are unique, the program is designed in such a way that the child learns the interconnected thoughts and the parents are guided by the Yancha Guides to nudge them as per their individual styles and interests to apply these in the real world helping your child become the master over these capabilities with time.

Worry Free Engagement

Worry Free Engagement

Worry Free Engagement

You get easy access to engaging real life scenarios and interesting activities, fun filled journey, frameworks, tools and in-house and curated resources – all in one place from the comforts of your home. No internet hunting for ideas. No running around for expensive materials as these can be done with whatever resources available at home.

Quality Engagement and Bonding within the Family

Quality Engagement and Bonding within the Family

Quality Engagement and Bonding within the Family

Each scenario and related activity is an opportunity for you to observe, understand and engage with your child to create a memorable journey that you would love to revisit as they grow up and all these are captured in the Fun Playbook that turns into a Development Memorabilia and eventually both you, the Parent and the child evolves in this journey.

Focus on Development

Focus on Development

Focus on Development – Prepare them to achieve full potential with Future Skills

Yancha is not a counselling service. It is a proactive service to enable parents to understand their child, learn how to inculcate the right behaviours in the child and thereby, propel towards achieving their full potential. It is akin to a Wellness offering instead of a Painful Cure of a misguided life.

Yancha is an Ed-Tech Child Development, Parenting
and Behavioral Transformation platform

It is a proactive service to enable parents to understand their child, learn how to inculcate the right behaviours in the child and thereby, propel towards achieving their full potential. It is akin to a Wellness offering instead of a Painful Cure of a misguided life. Yancha is not a counselling service, the process adopted here is entirely different than counselling.

join Yancha

Engage meaningfully with your Child

Intense pressure on Academics - A case study

Yancha Age Groups

Age 1 to 3
Fundamental Stage

Parents : Prepare Yourself to Raise your Child, identify and do away your biases and prioritize being there for your child

Age 4 to 12
Preparatory Stage

Parents : Prepare Yourself to Raise your Child, Identify Uniqueness and Interests of your child, Demonstrate the Right Behaviours to Develop Your Child.

Age 13 to 21
Middle & Secondary Stage

Parents : Prepare Yourself to Coach and Guide your child to develop the Right Behaviours for Transitioning to a Responsible Individual.

Teens & Young Adults: Prepare yourself to inculcate the right behaviours for transitioning to a responsible young adult ready to achieve full potential and become accomplished.


The Yancha Team is proud to have touched the lives of more than 25000+ Parents, Child combination from the following Organizations, Schools, Colleges & Institutions and growing.


Parent Speaks

Resources:Videos, TED Talks, Articles